Best Practices
- 1. Title of the Practice: Economic empowerment of Students, to‘riseandshine’.
2.Objectives of the Practice
- Toexploretheinnatepotentialitiesandequipstudentswithdifferentskillsas per their ability, interest and aptitude.
- To arrange for different entrepreneurial training for making handmade products.
- To exercise and implement the acquired entrepreneurial skills through Anandamela.
3.The Context
Functional education is more important nowadays than the traditional form. For economic empowerment, students need to self-sufficient. The students require knowledge and skill to be absorbed in the job market as well as to begin their own start-ups. Training in technology is provided to enhance their employability.
4.The Practice
- The demand for Indian handicrafts is constantly increasing globally due to their quality, uniqueness and beauty. Handmade products have become the first preference for a gift as they show a personal touch and uniqueness. Students sell their hand-made products during Anandamela and also sell handcrafted creations online in whatsapp group and youtube videos.
- Basic computer operations like working in word, making PPT/PDF, writing email etc. Are regularly taught in the Browsing centre by subject teachers.
- Career guidance is a process that helps students identify their strengths, interests, and skills and explore potential career paths. Career Programmes are conducted in collaboration with Brainware, Career Katha, RICE etc.
- Herbal Gulal Making Workshop was organised for the increasing awareness of environmental and health concerns, more people are switching from synthetic colours to herbal Holi colours. These eco-friendly options offer a range of benefits that go beyond just being kind to the planet.
- Memorandum of Understanding was signed with different educational institutions for skill development of students and successful faculty exchange programmes.
5.Evidence of Success
Students gain confidence to continue their start-up after participating indifferent training courses and programmes arranged in the college.
As a part of their academic activities, students are able to present their projects in MS word, PDF or PPT. They access online library facilities in a systematic way.
6.Problems Encountered and Resources Required
- Little time is left to conduct different addon courses under CBCS and CCF system.
- Training and evaluation of large groups of students crop up during computer classes. More computers are required to manage this issue.
- More fun disc required to conduct variety of add-on courses and to cater the individual interest of students.
- 1. Title of the Practice:
Regular health related activities for well-being of students and staff
- 2. Objectives of the Practice
i. To help the students, faculty and office staff manage their health issues free of cost.
- To conduct awareness programmes in the college premises to motivate the students, faculty and staff towards a healthy life style.
- ToconductblooddonationcampsawarenessprogrammesonHIVaids,thalssemia and Breast cancer.
3.The Context
Health is an important parameter of an individual’s physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being; therefore, women should grow strong and healthy. Many students of the college come from remote villages where Govt. health centers are rare and private health centers are costly. In Indian society, health issues of women are considered to be secondary. In this backdrop ‘Regular health related activities for well-being of students and staff’ become really important.
4.The Practice
A weekly medical consultation has been organized free of cost for the students as well as the staff in the college premises. Dr. Suchandra Das MBBS,(Calcutta), Registration number 39671 WBMC, visits the college every week against an honorarium of rupees 1500/- per week. Students and staff of the institute are highly benefited by this service in their workplace free of cost.As eparate room is allotted in ground floor for the
Consultation sessions. In case of emergency Dr. Das makes her available on call apart from her scheduled dates of visit.
Some other popular practices of the institute areas follows-
- Blood donations crucial for patients undergoing surgery, coping with trauma, managing chronic illnesses, and battling cancer. Blood donation camp was organized on 23.03.2024 in collaboration with NRS hospital. Donors from the local community also donated blood thus strengthening the college community bond.
- Regular Yoga classes are conducted as it enhances concentration, promotes physical fitness, boosts emotional well-being, improves flexibility, and supports a healthy lifestyle. These benefits contribute to overall students’ well-being and academic success.
- Interactive sessions on Clinical Psychology are conducted on regular basis to provide guidance on how to deal with psychological problems which can badly impact their studies and well being. Through these sessions, the students will be able to develop certain problem-solving and decision taking skills which to an extent help them deal with different issues in their lives.
- Tidy and well-maintained classrooms, corridors, and common areas foster as ense of pride and ownership among students. Further a clean environment is visually appealing and stimulates a sense of serenity, allowing students to concentrate better on their studies. Hence, to develop awareness among students the college conducts Cleanliness Drive in and around the college as it forms the foundation for an encouraging learning environment.
5.Evidence of Success
- Many students visit Dr. Das on regular intervals and some visit as per requirement. In case of physical ailments the students are immensely benefited by this support.
- The teaching and non-teaching staff of the college is highly benefited by Dr. Das's advice. This in-house health facility has great impact on the staff as they do not need to get appointment outside campus and can address the health issue as and when these occur.
6.Problems Encountered and Resources Required
Students coming from lower economic strata of society generally suffer from anemia, malnutrition, low blood pressure, gynecological problems etc. but they feel shy to consult the doctor on their own, even if the facility is well within their reach.
Many students are first generation learners and most of the time they do not get any idea from their family about the importance of healthy living. Students are made aware and conscious regarding health issues.